
Hardcover, 294 pages

Español294 language

Published 2024 by Espasa Libros, Editorial Planeta.

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3 stars (1 review)

«¡Creador insensible y despiadado...! Me otorgasteis sensaciones y pasiones, y luego me arrojasteis al mundo para desprecio y horror de la humanidad.»

Aquel «verano húmedo y desapacible» de 1816 «me entretuve pensando una historia que consiguiera que el lector tuviera pavor a mirar a su alrededor, que le helara la sangre y que acelerara los latidos de su corazón», Mary Shelley en la introducción a la edición de 1831 sobre cómo se forjó Frankenstein.

48 editions

A great classic, but a tough read overall

3 stars

Like most classics this book involves a bit of work to get through and really appreciate. It's stood the tests of time because you can easily compare Dr. Frankenstein to the modern day tech innovators that create for the sake of creation without really stopping to think on what their creation is going to bring to the world.

Frankenstein's chapters are long and drawn out, really building up how much you the reader just want to absolutely strangle him. He is self-pitying and seems to put most of his friends and family on a weirdly high pedestal while also not giving them a second thought when it's inconvenient? I think Shelley has actually done a fabulous job at writing a complete narcissist.

The chapters following Frankenstein's monsters completely sucked me in however, and I wish more of the book had been spent on detailing the monster's experiences in life that …


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